APIKey: | (User your Etherscan Dev. API Key) |
module: | (Don't change) |
action: | (Don't change) |
contractaddress: | |
sourceCode: | |
contractname: | |
codeformat: | (solidity-single-file, solidity-standard-json-input) |
compilerversion: | (See Supported Solidity Versions for the complete list |
optimizationUsed: | (0=Disable, 1=Enabled) |
runs: | (Valid range from 0 to 1000000) |
constructorArguements: | (if applicable) |
EVMVersion: | |
licenseType: | (For the types of licenses, please refer to https://etherscan.io/contract-license-types) |
Libraries (if applicable) - Supports up to 10 different libraries |
libraryname1: | libraryaddress1: |
libraryname2: | libraryaddress2: |
libraryname3: | libraryaddress3: |
libraryname4: | libraryaddress4: |
libraryname5: | libraryaddress5: |
libraryname6: | libraryaddress6: |
libraryname7: | libraryaddress7: |
libraryname8: | libraryaddress8: |
libraryname9: | libraryaddress9: |
libraryname10: | libraryaddress10: |